Social & Communications


Walking humbly with our God

Welcoming has been an important and active part of our Parishes, especially since 2012 following a Diocesan process of renewal and re-organisation in our diocese through the concept of community.

The “Walking Humbly with our God” process that emerged was the invitation given to representative groups to prepare a ground-plan for the life and mission of the Church within each local area.

Our vision

“Welcoming” was the first area to be progressed, with a vision to ensure that the community is open, approachable and inclusive in all that it provides and does.  Positive action is taken to make people feel welcomed and valued – not only at Sunday Mass but throughout its other varied activities.

A group of parishioners worked through some ideas about what changes could be made and this resulted in the following being implemented:

Revised process for new Parishioners, including a Welcome Pack.

Rota of Welcomers at weekend Masses

At Holy Cross Church there is a monthly rota of Welcomers from a variety of Parish groups, at weekend Masses.  At Ss Philip & James Church there is a group of volunteers who undertake the role of Welcomer on a rota basis.

Getting involved

If you are interested in becoming more involved or have some ideas as to how we can make our Parish more welcoming, then please complete the Contact Form.

Social & Communications
