Church Life

Music Group

Holy Cross

At Holy Cross Church, we are an informal group of people who attempt to enhance the liturgy of the Mass by providing appropriate music whether instrumental, congregational, solo or choir pieces, during the Sunday Mass.

We ensure that those parts of the Mass that should be sung are sung and so we sing the Gloria, proclaim the Psalm through song, sing the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei. Our aim is to support and enrich the spiritual life of the Parish in this way.

Seasonal themes

According to the theme of the Mass and the season of the liturgical year, we highlight different parts of the Mass and we use the publication ‘The Liturgy Planner’ by Decani Music to help us do this well.  We try to balance new hymns and music with the stalwarts!

We have all been parishioners for many years – some for well over 20 years, others for at least 10 years and we look forward to new people joining us.  We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Church to spend about an hour to practise and look at new music and forthcoming Masses.

Joining the group

We would welcome your ideas and participation, so please complete the Contact Form, if you would like to join the group.

Ss Philip & James

The Choir/Music Group at Ss Philip & James Church serve the 11am Mass on a Sunday.

We are a friendly group of people who enjoy singing.  Our aim is to enhance the celebration, encourage congregational singing and draw people closer to God through our music.  We lead the Mass each Sunday, carefully choosing music and hymns that reflect the liturgical theme of the day, season and Readings.

We don’t all read music, yet we manage to sing harmonies and descants to many of the hymns.  Our music ranges from  traditional hymns  and motets to modern song.  We practice weekly which gives us the chance to rehearse the music for the following Sunday as well as learn new music. Rehearsals also give us the chance to socialise and support each other.

Starting small

We started when a small group of people wanted to help encourage congregational singing, slowly, over time we turned into a choir.  Then in 2018 our organist left and we were on our own. So some of us brushed up our rusty instrument skills and we became a mixed choir and music group.

Strengthening bonds

As well as singing each Sunday we love joining our musical friends at Holy Cross Church for special occasions such as Holy Week.  Over time the bonds between the two parishes have strengthened over our joint wish to serve God and our communities through our music.

We have managed to keep in touch during the Covid crisis.  Although we can’t sing together, we’ve maintained contact by regular zoom meetings and when permitted last summer, gathered in gardens for a bit of a sing followed by relaxed socially distanced chat.

Joining the group

We would welcome anyone who enjoys singing to join us.  You don’t need to be able to read music, just enjoy a good sing.  Any basic instrumentalist would be welcome too.  Come and see us after Mass on Sunday or complete the Contact Form.