Spiritual & Pastoral Care

SSCC Lay Associates

We are members of the Secular Branch of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Ss.Cc.) whose Priests ministered generously in Holy Cross Church for many years until 2003.

Monthly meetings

To facilitate working members we now meet locally online on the second Monday of every month at 7.00pm. It is a time of reflection and sharing on Scripture and on the spirituality of the Congregation.

All of this and an emphasis on the Eucharist encourages us to grow in the love of God so that we can share that love more fully where we live and work, especially where we see most need and vulnerability.

The Blessed Sacrament

Before going online we used to have a shared meal in the Parish every second month to catch up with each other; every other month we began with a half hour’s adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We are still trying to find a way of doing this online!

Anyone interested in joining us would be most welcome to try one or two meetings.

For more information, please complete the Contact Form.