Church Life


Our parishes rely almost entirely on donations from parishioners and visitors to our churches in order to meet our running costs and we are very grateful for all your generous donations. There are a number of ways you can support the parishes financially, as follows:

Regular Giving

If you wish to make regular donations to one of the parishes, the easiest way to do this is by setting up a standing order and to do this, you should complete a Standing Order Mandate and send it back to the Parish – NOT direct to your bank.

When writing a commencement date, please give a date at least a month from signature.

If you would like to donate to Holy Cross Church, please use the details below:

Bank and branch name: NATWEST, CORPORATION ST., CORBY
Account number: 46714340
Sort code: 60 06 11

If you would like to donate to Saints Philip and James Church, please use the details below:

Bank and branch name: NATWEST, CORPORATION ST., CORBY
Account number: 91057361
Sort code: 60-06-11

Gift Aid

If you set up a standing order and you are a taxpayer, you can also increase the value of your donation through signing a Gift Aid Declaration. This declaration allows the church to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your donations from HMRC. You do not need to do anything further once the Declaration is signed and returned to us, as we claim the money and there is no impact on your own personal dealings with HMRC.

Complete a Gift Aid Declaration and send it back to the Parish. Please ensure it is printed double-sided before it is completed and signed otherwise it will not be acceptable for our records.

Online One-Off Donations

If you wish to make an Online Donation to one of our churches, this can be done through the Northampton Diocese website, which can be found at:

Follow the instructions on the Catholic Diocese of Northampton Virgin-money giving page. Please ensure the parish name and area (i.e. Holy Cross, Bedford or Ss Philip and James, Bedford) the donation is intended for is indicated in the notes section of the “donate-page”. It is also possible to donate to a particular Priest; e.g. the Easter Offering. I am sure that you will all be as generous as possible and support your parish in these difficult times.

Giving Tuesdays One-Off Donations

If you cannot donate online, the Diocese of Northampton have launched Giving Tuesdays to make it easier to donate to our Parish Communities. Each Tuesday you can phone the number below and someone will be waiting to assist you with your donation however big or small! All you need is a phone and your Credit or Debit Card.

If you have any queries or would like to speak to someone from the parish, then please contact Margaret Wells. Her contact details are: or call 07931 338344.

Thank you.