
Parish Office

General administration

The Parish Secretary at Holy Cross Church deals with all general administration matters, including First Communion and Confirmation programmes in addition to responding to requests for Baptismal certificates.

All bookings for the hall or meeting room at Holy Cross Church, including bookings for Parish groups, should be made through the Parish Office.

Any notices for the notice boards in the Holy Cross Church porch should be sent to the Parish Office.

Any requests for Baptisms or Marriages should be made direct to the Parish Priest, Fr Alex Ibe SMMM,

Telephone: 01234 352607
Email: parishpriestnorthbedford@gmail.com

The Parish Secretary works in the Parish Office on Monday and Thursday mornings weekly.

Holy Cross Parish Office

Parish Secretary
Sheila Allen  (works Mondays & Thursdays)

Phone: 01234 353116 (messages may be left on the answerphone)
Email: parish.holycross@northamptondiocese.org

For Mass Intentions

Parish Secretary at Ss Philip & James
Mariateresa Quinlan (works Tuesdays 11am – 3pm)

Email: parish.ssphilipandjames@northamptondiocese.org