
Grounds Maintenance


Holy Cross

The grounds at Holy Cross are maintained by a group of volunteer parishioners.

Grass cutting is undertaken in teams of two every fortnight and, thanks to the number of volunteers that we have, nobody is required to take a turn more than twice each summer.  A mower and fuel are provided, as is training if required.

If you would like to get involved in grass cutting or undertake any other grounds maintenance, please get in touch with Deacon Crispin:

Ss Philip & James

The task of regularly cutting the grass at Ss P&J is very important.  The Church has a considerable area of grass in a very visible position, so keeping it tidy provides a positive reflection on the Church community and their respect not just for the Church but for the surrounding households and neighbourhood.

Currently we have a small but dedicated team who help out.  We have a rota which allocates one person each week to cut the grass, that way the grass remains manageable and allows for the odd missed week to be easily recovered by the next person on the rota.

We are always open to extra volunteers and these have not always been easy to recruit, but of course the grass does not stop growing or cut itself!  

If any members of the congregation have an interest in helping then please contact the church or complete the Contact Form


Grounds Maintenance