Family and Youth Ministry

Pray and Play Group

Meeting every Tuesday

The Pray and Play activities are for children aged 6 plus.

We meet every Tuesday (during term time) between 6.30pm and 7.30pm at Ss Philip and James Church.

The children and their families gather to learn about our Catholic faith and pray the Holy Rosary, followed by fun and games for all!

More information

For more details, please email Joan:

All Hallows’ Eve Celebration

No trick or treating here!

We hate darkness! We love Light!

Pray & Play Children gathered together on the evening of 31st October to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve dressed as Saints and Angels. Buffet sweet treats included Heavenly Halos, St Bernadette’s Firewood, St Lucy’s eyeballs and much more.

After Mass, the evening concluded with sparklers, soul cakes and goodie bags. A great time was had by all! A big thank you to the parents and the Pray & Play team for enabling the children of our parishes to enjoy a happy and holy All Hallows’ Eve.