Outreach & Evangelisation

Church Shops

The Holy Cross Shop

The shop is open in the narthex after both Masses over one weekend, usually the last weekend of the month.

A selection of greetings cards commemorating the Sacraments are always available, as well as Mass and sympathy cards.  St Patrick’s Day, Easter and Christmas cards are also on sale at the appropriate times.

We also have a stock of missals, rosaries, crucifixes and other religious items, as well as a selection of children’s books containing colourfully illustrated bible stories.

Any profits made go directly into Parish funds.

Please see the Parish Newsletter for the next date the shop is open.  We look forward to meeting you there.

The Ss Philip & James Shop

The shop is open before the 11am Mass on Sundays, as well as after Mass until 12.30pm for the sale of cards and a selection of religious goods.

For more information or enquiries, please complete the Contact Form.