New Parishioners

Welcome to the Parishes of Holy Cross and Saints Philip & James, Bedford. We hope you settle in well over the next few weeks and eventually feel at home here!

We like to encourage new parishioners to get in touch with us and to leave their contact details. It’s good to know who you are so that we can do our best to make you feel part of the parish community. It’s not easy arriving somewhere new and trying to find your own way around.

Everyone is different, and some people like to be left to themselves until they feel at ease in a new place. Others may appreciate a friendly face in the first few weeks, and an introduction to parish life and to some of the various groups and societies on offer.

Whichever you are most comfortable with, do get in touch and let us know by downloading our Welcome Pack, which has more information and a form to complete with extra details.  This is then returned to one of our Parish Secretaries.

Download the Welcome Pack:

Microsoft Word Document

Adobe PDF Document